Teachers in Somalia

Preface In my previous blog, I discussed school systems and the negative impact that they had, In that blog on the small topic of teachers I stated that I will discuss this topic in my next one, So I will be telling all my honest and truthful experiences that I had when I was a student I am not exaggerating or lying, The following are exact experiences that I encounter, I’m not quoting any other source rather than my experiences I know some of the things that I will say here are very harsh but I have no way other than telling the truth. Through all my teachers that taught me anything, I am very grateful for your teachings even though the way you taught me was wrong. But this writing is not about all past experience is about acknowledging the wrongdoing of the teachers in Somalia and trying to come up with a way that we can change together, And to protect our future children and present also. What teachers are doing to the children is not fair and we can’t find any justification fo...