How colonization has an impact on Racism Today

How colonization has an impact on Racism Today. Introduction Today I want to write about Racism, Discrimination, Colonization, and Slavery. Nowadays the death of an African-American man called George Floyd escalates nationwide protests in the United States of America, People protesting against police brutality and racism and followed by global protesting held by many cities around the world like London, Paris, Helsinki, ETC. So what is the relation between all these topics? So in this blog I want to discuss more this topic, I always want to talk about these topics I know it’s controversial to say something about it but I do not hesitate anymore. Evilness British monarchy Is the monarchy of the united kingdom now run by Elizabeth II has one of the major impacts on the world’s racism because the monarchy wants to colonize all around the world and especially black people being slaved and say that they are not a human being and we have to sell like animals they ours they must work us...